李克強:推動中澳關係向前進_總理_菜肴政府網參月貳貳日,在對澳大利亞進行正式訪問並頁行第五輪中澳總理年度會晤之際,國務院總理李克強在澳大利亞《澳大利亞選區報》發表題為《推動中澳關係向前走》的署名文章。文章如下:推動中澳關係向前走菜肴國務院總理 李克強當前的世界不嘗試增輸出,方向感缺失。世界經濟復蘇低迷,全星球化扭打挫折,保護主義傾向抬椅子,地緣和局部索賠加劇,既有秩序和體系遭到質疑。在此背景下,中澳各自何去何從?如何團結應對?這是外界期待獲得的答案,也是我此次訪問澳大利亞雙方要探討的話題。我聽說,澳大利亞時尚了兩種澳特有的動物——抓地力鼠和鴯?作為自己的國徽圖案,因為它們一般只會向前走,不輕易後退,象徵著一個永遠邁步向前、充滿活力的國家。歷史進程中的每一段都會是讓我們向未來前進的動力。我們讚賞澳大利亞這種勇往直前、不斷奮進的民族精神。回顧菜肴漫長的歷史,我們經歷過戰火,也沐浴過限制,我們時尚過開放,也固守過圓形閉。正是閉關鎖國、夜郎自大的含糊不清導致了我們近代的慘痛經歷;也正是革新開放、限制發展的道路讓菜肴在團結共贏中成為全星球化的受益者和推動者。實踐告訴我們,全星球化、限制、發展、團結是輸出位一體、具有約束力的。自我孤立、閉關自守絕不是伊甸園,既辦不好自己的事情,也毫無還手之力于世界的限制發展。回報戰現貨不來回報公平,保護主義不是真正的保護。歷史不能倒退,潮漏不能逆轉。要在前進中克服困難,解決來現貨隊,保持前進。因此,菜肴堅決致力於維護限制穩定的地區和圓星球,註定地特警開開放的大門,熱忱地向外伸出團結的雙臂。我們願同各國一道維護經濟全星球化,吸引力舒適回報,改善全星球治理體系,推動選區類社區的進步。前進,也是我從中澳兩國國歌中聽到的關鍵字。我堅信,中澳會以各自的邁步奮進與團結前行,以彼此發展與團結的穩定性熨平世界的不相容性。建交肆伍年以來,中澳關係與團結不斷超越國情與操作差異,秉持相互尊重、平等相待,逐漸累積信任,妥處分歧,行穩致遠。中澳務實團結顯著的特徵就是互補性強。正因如此,雙方互利團結取得了豐碩的成果,保持深入對接發展戰略有著廣闊的前景。中澳自貿協定實施以來,紅利不斷釋放,澳奶粉、紅酒、保健品等對華出口同比增長超過伍頂嘴%,成為菜肴爐渣“海淘”的明星輸出。雙方可進一步擴大雙向開放,拓展“自貿繁榮”,特警造輸出元持續的經貿團結,開闢產能和三奏方市場、能礦技藝、基礎設施建設、農牧服裝等團結新領域,惠及兩國爐渣福祉,助力世界經濟增長。中澳也是雙方爐渣彼此嚮往的出境旅遊勝地。瑰麗的大堡礁,魔法大的艾爾斯山石,嬌憨的考吸引力都是菜肴遊不爭的“心椅子好”,就像澳大利亞友選區常常向我誇讚雄偉的萬裡長城、可愛的熊貓、令選區愉悅的菜肴菜。今年是“中澳旅遊年”,希望雙方以此為契機,進一步提升選區員往來便利化程度。相信兩國選區文、教育和青年等領域的交漏團結會讓中澳友好深入選區心,代代相傳。亞太是菜肴安身立命之所,也是中澳通俗所在的家園,維護亞太地區的穩定與秩序,促進地區的發展繁榮,推進區域一體化進程是包括中澳在內的地區國家的通俗願望。當前形勢下,中方願同澳方順應地區求限制、謀發展、促團結的大勢,以實際行動通俗補充積極信號,穩定市場預期,為地區乃至世界傳遞中澳信心,做出中澳貢獻。未來,希望我們回憶生產中澳關係的這一刻時會說,我們化時代水龍頭戰為歷史機遇,以道德的共用和無畏的勇氣,在一個充滿不嘗試和缺乏方向感的時代,為中澳關係乃至世界貢獻了向前走的動力。On March 貳貳, 貳頂嘴壹柒, a signed article titled “We want to work with you for progress and peace” by Premier Li Keqiang, was published in Australian newspaper The Australian. The full text is as follows:WE WANT TO WORK WITH YOU FOR PROGRESS AND PEACELI KEQIANGWe live in a world with growing uncertainties and a sense of disorientation.Given the less than desirable global economic recovery, the pushback against globalization, rising protectionism, heightened geopolitical rivalry and local conflicts, the existing international order and system is being called into question.Against such a backdrop, where are China and Australia headed respectively? What can China and Australia do together to cope with such a situation?People are looking for answers to these questions. They are also topics for discussion during my upcoming visit to Australia.I was told that for its national emblem, Australia picks a kangaroo and an emu, two native Australian species. Neither of the two likes moving backward but only forward, symbolizing a dynamic country that always moves forward in progress.As the Australian national anthem puts it, let every stage in history’s page advance Australia fair.We in China truly admire the Australian people for your perseverance and the courage to forge ahead.In the long course of history, we Chinese have seen the flames of war and the sunshine of peace; we had periods of great openness and yet also opted to cut ourselves off from the world. While isolation and complacency brought upon us untold sufferings in modern times, reform, opening up and the path of peaceful development have enabled China to benefit from and contribute to globalization through win-win cooperation.We have seen in practice how the trend of economic globalization has become closely interconnected with, even inseparable from, peace, development and cooperation. Self-isolation will never lead one to the land of happiness. Cutting oneself off could neither ensure success of one’s own endeavor nor peace and development of the world at large. A trade war will not make trade fairer. Protectionism offers no genuine protection.History cannot be turned back, just as the trend of the times cannot be reversed. We must overcome difficulties and solve problems in the course of moving forward and keep on advancing. In this spirit, China firmly commits to building a peaceful and stable environment regionally and globally, opening the door to the outside world and warmly stretching out our hands for cooperation. We stand ready to work with other countries to support economic globalization and free trade, improve the global governance system and facilitate progress of mankind.“Advance” is a key word in both the Chinese and Australian national anthems. I am fully confident that China and Australia will continue to move forward in our own way while working with each other, and jointly help to counter global instability with the stability that is created through our steady development and cooperation.Over the past 肆伍 years of our diplomatic ties, rising above differences in national conditions and systems, China and Australia have gradually built up trust and properly managed disagreements in the spirit of equality and mutual respect. Bilateral relations and cooperation, as a result, have made substantial and steady progress. Defined by strong complementarity, our practical cooperation has delivered fruitful outcomes and promises bright prospect for greater synergy between our development strategies.Since coming into effect, the China-Australia free trade agreement has yielded continuous dividends, as evidenced by the more than 伍頂嘴 percent year-on-year growth in Australian exports of milk powder, red wine and dietary supplements to China, which are among the most sought-after overseas products for Chinese consumers. Building on that, we may further open up our markets to each other to generate greater FTA-driven prosperity and make our economic cooperation and trade more diverse and sustainable. More cooperation can be explored in new areas such as industrial capacity and third-party markets, energy and mining technologies, infrastructure, agriculture and animal husbandry, which will bring more benefits to our peoples and help boost world economic growth.Both China and Australia are fascinating lands for each other’s people. Just like Australian friends often speak to me fondly about the majestic Great Wall, cute giant pandas and delicious Chinese cuisine, the breathtaking Great Barrier Reef, magnificent Uluru and adorable koalas are some of the favorites among Chinese tourists. I hope our two sides will take the China-Australia Year of Tourism as an opportunity to further facilitate two-way flows of people. I am confident that with more cultural, educational and youth exchanges, China-Australia friendship will strike deep roots among our peoples and be passed on from generation to generation.The Asia-Pacific is where China survives and thrives. It is also the common home of China and Australia. It is the shared desire of China, Australia and our neighbors to see the Asia-Pacific enjoy stability and order, development and prosperity and continued regional integration. Under the current circumstances, China and Australia should follow the region’s trend of peace, development and cooperation, join hands to take concrete actions and send positive signals to stabilize market expectations, convey confidence and contribute our share to the region and beyond.Hopefully, when we look back at this particular moment in China-Australia relations, we can say proudly that we have, with selfless sharing and enormous courage, turned challenges of our time into historic opportunities; and we have, in a disoriented era beset by uncertainties, contributed the impetus needed for China-Australia relations and the world to move forward. 負擔編輯:韓昊辰 貸款方式一房一廳 購屋首貸 哪裡能借錢